Monday, June 28, 2010

Sarah's new toys

While Mike was gone last weekend, I went on a huge shopping spree. This is pretty unusual for me, as in general I'm pretty cheap, but there were some things we needed for the baby, and some things that were nice to have for the baby, and I may have gotten a few things for myself. In fact, I got 2 pretty cool toys. They may appeal to very different crowds, but you can decide which is cooler  :-)

Toy #1 feels a little cliche, but please understand that, after giving up my iphone birthday present for a blackberry that was compatible with McKinsey's security software, I have been waiting for the day I could switch back. What that means in practice is that I have been using a cell phone that is over 4 years old so I didn't have to sign a contract to get a new one. It was literally held together with scotch tape for the last 4 months of it's life, and the little track ball would only roll to the right about 50% of the time. So my dear husband reminded me on the day they started taking pre-orders that it was time to sign up. I got my phone a day early and it has been so much fun! I don't know that it is that much better than the last model, but it is soooo much faster than by 4-year-old phones, both the blackberry and the iphone.  If I were more techy I'm sure I would appreciate the differences, but I actually offered to trade Mike for his, because I think he would appreciate it more. He hasn't taken me up on it yet.

On to Toy #2. For anyone who has been to my home, you know that besides a few throw rugs, every single floor is a hard surface. This means either a lot of mopping,  or some really dirty floors. I'll let you guess which you find more of in my house. But it's getting really hard to bend over, and the dust bunnies under the beds are planning a riot because of the overcrowding. The Scooba is amazing! It's not perfect. It doesn't do edges well, and sometimes misses large spots in the middle of the floor. But it gets most of the dirt, and I can do touch-up work. Or not. Let's face it, having some dirty corners is a heck of a lot better than having a colony of dust bunnies under the bed.

In summary, yes. I may be a little bit spoiled :-)

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